
Buying a vehicle, be it a motorcycle or car, through auctions is something new and causes insecurity in many people who have never had contact with this world of auctions.

However, what many people don't know is that auctions have laws that regulate them and you can purchase vehicles well below the price, with excellent mechanical conditions.

Find out more about the Banco do Brasil Motorcycle Auction:

In today's article, we will see more about what it is like to participate in an auction, how payment is made, the advantages and disadvantages, leaving you safer when buying your new vehicle at auction.

Who can participate in an auction?


Anyone, over 18 years old, you can participate in an auction, whether you are an individual or a legal entity, as long as you meet the requirements set out in the notice of the auction you wish to participate in.

In some auctions, such as Detran's, there are some exceptions for people who cannot participate, such as: individuals who are public servants assigned to Detran itself, the Civil Police and the Military Police of each state; outsourced and contracted by Detran SP, the Civil and Military Police of each state.

Therefore, always read the notice and check if your participation is allowed.

How does the Detran Auction work?

There are online and in-person auctions, with some auction houses holding both types together.


Some auctions present vehicles that were seized due to irregularities in documentation and financing, which makes them lower than the average price. list price.

An auction generally operates in a standardized way, with the highest bidder winning the vehicle.

There is the possibility of purchasing vehicles for personal use or resale, but, again, look at the notice, because, for example, in Federal Revenue auction Resale is prohibited and purchases are only permitted for personal use.
It is also necessary to check whether the vehicle purchased is for circulation or is considered scrap. If it is scrap, it is prohibited to drive on public roads.

A very big advantage of auctions is, in addition to the low price, the wide variety of vehicle models and brands, as well as their condition, with vehicles ranging from used for a long time to practically new, from popular to Ferrari and Porsche.

How is payment for the auction made?

For the most part, payment for a vehicle purchased at auction is made in cash, both online and in person.


The way it is paid depends largely on the auction house, and it may, for example, be necessary to leave a check with the auction commission in the total value of the vehicle finished.

Or, in the online modality, it may be necessary to sign a contract when registering to participate in the auction, which is a way for the auctioneer to protect itself against fraud.

Also, in most auctions, there is a deadline for making payment after the auction, and in some cases, such as in the Federal Revenue Auction, a fine may occur if payment is not made within the deadline, therefore, reserve some money before participating in an auction.


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